Archive | August 2015

Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival 2015

Have you been wondering where I have been?  Have you been wondering why no posts? 

I apologize. But I have been having a great time at Dauphin’s CNUF ! 

That’s right. My Man and I journeyed to Dauphin Manitoba for the 50th. Anniversary of the Canada’s National Ukrainian  Festival. It was in my humble opinion, the best festival EVER !  There were beautiful cultural exhibits – pysanky, kolach, korovais, wheat weaving and even old-time farm equipment.

There were plenty of shops where vendors sold tradtional and modern Ukrainian handicrafts.

The entertainment featured various artists from Canada, United States and directly from the Ukraine.  So many to tell you about but that’ll be later or in another post.

I’ll also update this post with photos at a later date. I’m still swatting at mosquitoes and visiting with family and friends for a few more days.  

Stay tuned!