Petrosha’s Best Turkey Soup ever!


Carcass from cooked turkey, with some meat bits still on.
10 cups water
3 stalks celery, chopped
2 onions, chopped
4 carrots, peeled and diced
3 potatoes, peeled and diced
1/2 cup sherry (optional)
1/2 cup chicken soup base (such as Oxo)
1 cup pearl barley
1 can of Cream of Celery or Cream of Chicken soup

Boil the carcass of the turkey in a large pot of water for 3 – 4 hours. Add a couple of cloves of garlic, a chopped onion, spices such as thyme, oregano, sage for flavour. When the extra bits of meat slips easily off the bones, strain through a sieve. If you can find larger pieces of turkey meat, chop these into small pieces and add them back to the broth. Ensure that you strain out all tiny bits of bone.

Cool the turkey stock in the fridge overnight. All the excess fat will accumulate on the top. Scrape this off and discard.

Next day, pour the turkey stock into a large pot (add up to 10 cups of water to fill your pot if needed.)
Add the chicken soup base, chopped celery, onions, carrots, potato, sherry as well as the pearl barley. Bring this up to a rolling boil, and after about 20 minutes, turn down the stove and continue simmering for another hour or longer. You want to ensure that the vegetables and the barley are thoroughly cooked.

Now here’s the secret Ukrainian ingredient…add one can of cream of chicken or cream of celery soup to the pot. I do not use mushroom because this throws off the flavour.  Stir it in well and continue simmering. This one can will give the homemade soup just the right amount of thickener as well as add extra flavour.  It’s easy and takes the guess work out of adding a thickener.

If desired, add some freshly ground pepper and chopped parsley to taste. No need to add salt as there’s plenty in the canned soup.



2 thoughts on “Petrosha’s Best Turkey Soup ever!

  1. Looks yummy. Probably tastes great. I have a hint to keep carcass clean, put stuffing in cheesecloth in turkey cavity. Once cooked pull out of turkey & carcass is clean. No dressing floating in soup when i boil it.


    • Hello there,
      Yes, a great idea. I have put stuffing into the cheesecloth bags, especially Rice and Sausage stuffing. But I also have started to not put stuffing inside the turkey at all. I only stuff the bird with herbs, onions, and lemon, oranges, apples. Some others say that when there is stuffing inside the turkey, the meat is drier. I don’t know or at least I haven’t noticed.
      Thank you for the comment and for following me.


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