Archive | April 2013

All about Marriage and Anniversaries

It’s May! The days are getting warmer. The sun is rising earlier and setting later each day.


Of course thoughts of Spring often lead to thoughts of love.

The birds are becoming “twitterpated” (to borrow a phrase from Disney’s Bambi) gathering twigs and building their love nests. The squirrels are chasing each other along the back fence and momma raccoon has chosen a place for her den! Oh no,…sorry Mrs. Raccoon, not by our back shed!

momma raccoon

Our wedding anniversary is also in May. We are looking forward to spending a relaxing weekend in a quiet little “get-away”.  More on this after we return because …its location is a surprise for my husband.

I have added a few new pages of Varenyky aka Perogy recipes. Take a look and try making a dozen or more. Just so you know, one dozen is never enough!

As I was going through some of my recipe books this week, I came across a very old recipe. Take a look at my page called a Recipe for a Happy Marriage.

Happy Spring !

Easter 2013 has just passed and if you are like most families who celebrate Easter, your weekend has been very busy. Not only has there been a lot of house cleaning, baking and special meals to prepare, but attending church services everyday during Holy Week took up a lot of your time. But that’s okay because what is Easter really about?

No, not the chocolate bunnies!  Although most of us had one or two bits of chocolate over the last few days.

I have now added a link to our Ukrainian Catholic church website if you would like to learn more about Easter traditions and beliefs.

I have been trying to keep up the Ukrainian traditions as much as possible so we did take a Paska to church to be blessed.  We shared the blessed food on Sunday morning before heading off for Sunday Mass.


I would like to mention that I had a special visit on Sunday with the priest of our local Ukrainian Catholic church, St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Now here’s a bit of background. Father Joe was our parish’s priest approximately 30 years ago. But he moved shortly thereafter, serving in many places for many years. Last I had heard, he was in Vegreville in Alberta.

At first I wasn’t sure that he was Father Joe. He has changed a bit, but then haven’t we all?  After Sunday Mass, I went up to him and asked him a few questions. Well, yes, he did serve at this parish 30 years ago, and yes, he does remember marrying me!  Of course that got a few chuckles. It  was good to reconnect with him. Perhaps my weekly church attendance will increase?

Enjoy the weeks ahead. It’ll be time to start planting the garden very soon!


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