Archive | August 2023

Wedding crashers!

Welcome back to my followers.

I have not written anything for over a year and now understand why writers get “writer’s block”. It truly is an overwhelming feeling that one is stuck! I have had no great desire nor ideas to write about. I have many, many years of stories; both humorous as well as sad, but nothing that I believe you would care to read about. I have posted some new Ukrainian food recipes but no slice of life stories.

It just occurred to me that it may be that the Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival weekend inspired me to write. It is this weekend in Dauphin Manitoba. I have been tuning in to the local radio station and listening to their polka parties! Don’t tell anyone, but I’m also singing and dancing around my kitchen.

My man and I did enjoy ourselves last time we went to the Festival. We borrowed a small camper and stayed on the CNUF campground. So much fun and much safer than driving home late in the evening after the grandstand shows, zabavas and a few drinks!

Speaking of zabavas, I recall one year when my best girl friend Marusha and I “crashed” a wedding reception. We went with a family friend to a wedding that neither Marusha nor I were invited to. You see, Ukrainian weddings usually have between 200-300 invited guests. So, who would possibly know that we weren’t invited? We ate, we drank and we danced! We gave a gift to the happy couple. We shared laughs with their family and friends.

Was it wrong to crash a wedding? Looking back, yes….I suppose it was. Not a good idea to do this today!

Now a days, weddings have become very expensive social events. The guests are selected very carefully because the food and drinks are mainly catered. But back in the 60s and 70s, the parents and relatives got together to make the salads, hyshky, holubsti and perogies! The bride’s parents supplied all the refreshments. Lots to drink and eat!

Weddings and dances were a great way to meet new people and get together with friends. It was how we interacted with each other. We shared stories, made eye contact with special friends and even got invited to go on future dates! We socialized one on one. Real face time, not text messages, Skype nor Zoom.

Invited or not, it was a special way to interact with each other in our community. Come to think about it…..maybe we could all become a little more tolerant and aware of other cultures and customs if we just “crash” a few weddings!

Слава україни !

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