
Bitaemo !   Welcome to Petrosha’s blog.

I would like to share a little bit of my Ukrainian heritage with you.

I grew up in a small rural community in Manitoba, Canada.  Our village population was just under 900. We were predominately a farming community.

Both of my parents spoke Ukrainian in our home.  Unfortunately, my siblings and I were integrated into the mostly English-speaking community and we only learned the basics of the Ukrainian language.  Although I can read in Ukrainian and I understand the language, it is my intention to learn to speak Ukrainian fluently.

I really like sharing my Ukrainian traditions.  Although these may differ from yours, they are my recollections of growing up in a Ukrainian-Canadian home.

Please join me as I share some of my recollections of growing up as a Ukrainian-Canadian in the prairies.  It’s easy to receive my new posts: just click on Follow.  Each time I write and add a new post, you’ll receive an email that will direct you to my blog.

Take a look and try out some of my traditional Ukrainian food recipes.  Some of the recipes have been handed down to me from my grandparents and mom, and have never been published in any recipe books.

I do want you to try out my recipes and enjoy reading the stories.  However, all rights are reserved on my recipes and photos.  If you wish to reprint any of my recipes or  photos, please contact me directly at petroshasblog@gmail.com.

I welcome your comments and feedback.

Thank you,


Pysanky designs

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22 thoughts on “Home.

  1. Looking forward to your blog! I have my Baba’s recipe books but doing a quick inline search for “Ukrainian beet greens” brought me to you. I was born in SwanRiver and spend my childhood and early teens in Dauphin. The CNUF was great! Haven’t been back to it in decades.


    • Thank you Lori for commenting on my blog. I’m glad you enjoy the recipes. Keep watching as I’m finding more of my mom’s recipes all the time. I always test them before posting. So glad to hear the CNUF was wonderful. Thanks again.


  2. We have my grandmothers recipe box, a treasured, loved reminder of her. You can almost feel her hands on the box. She and my grandfather were born in the Ukraine and came to the U.S. as very young children. There is one recipe that we can’t figure out at all, and we are hoping someone will know what it is. There are no directions, only ingredients. The name is K(or h) ysylycha. The ingredients are: 2 cups oatmeal, 1tbsp flour, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 cake yeast, 1 1/2 cups water, 2 cloves garlic, 1tsp salt, 1/2 caraway seeds. That’s all that’s written. Does anyone know what this is. Thank you


  3. I have my Baba’s recipes and they never fail! We look forward to Ukrainian Christmas Eve with Joy every year. My children have also added their version to it in their home.


  4. Hi,
    I am interested in all things Ukrainian. My Grandparents ( Alex Badiuk and Della Gushliak) grew up in Vita Manitoba. Later they moved to Fort Frances. Was just looking up different Ukrainian recipe cookbooks when your blog came up.
    Annette Badiuk-Feller


  5. Hello…very happy to find this recipe…seems like the best around with great advice about prepping the wheat….our Mom is in a Care Home now, so my sister and I are doing are best to carry on and host a big supper for many friends and family…with so much support and so many contributors I don’t know how Mom did it alone for so long!!!! Curious about which Manitoba town you are from….I am from Sandy Lake…..don’t feel compelled to tell me if you’d rather not…..anyhoo….off to rinse and roast!!
    Thanks again!



    • Hello Deb,
      Thanks for checking out my blog. I am so happy that you are keeping the traditions going. It’s my hope that my stories and my recipes will inspire others. Your mom is lucky to have you make her and your family an authentic Ukrainian dinner and I believe she is a special person who has passed on a sense of tradition. Merry Christmas! Христос народився !


  6. My daughter is getting married and I am looking for the words to the veil song that was sung by the “seasoned “ ladies of my grandmothers ukraine Orthodox Church in upstate. NY 30 years ago. In the song the words reflect how this young girl now becomes a women , mom says good goodbye., etc. very sweet and emotional song. . It’s a great song and a tradition I would like to keep. I’m hoping you might have the words . Can you help


    • Hello Maria,
      Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you.
      Here’s what I’ve found out so far in regards to the Wedding song.

      The tradition is centred around making a “wreath”, Vinkopletennia. The customs do vary from region to region in the Ukraine but the overall symbolism remains the same. The wreath symbolizes purity, loyalty and love and marriage.
      The bridesmaids and mainly female relatives would meet at the bride’s home the evening before the wedding. While the periwinkle wreath is decorated with ribbons and flowers, they sang ritual songs that expressed wishes for a happy and fruitful union for the young couple.

      Here are two titles of the songs:

      Коло мої хати зацвіли блавати

      Красна молоденька красна

      If it is not too late for the wedding date, and you would like these songs, please get back to me.



      • Thanks. I think I found the words to the wedding veil dance .. now I need the music ..

        I appreciate your help. I will look at your options. If you would like I can send you the words to the Ukrainian veil dance in English.however it sounds so much better in song in Ukraine. But all my elder Ukrainian relatives are long gone. So we will at least continue the tradition in more of a Ukrainian/ American .

        Maria Gilmore


  7. Hello Petrosha. Thank you so much for the link. What fabulous articles/recipes. I’ve skimmed over some but look forward to reading them in detail. I love reading cookbooks!


  8. Just discovered your site…Thank you for all, especially the recipes…like my MUM was here making food for us…Appreciate your efforts


  9. Hi Petrosha, I love your name by the way!

    I wanted you to know that I made your bread today and it is fabulous!! I actually made it In Honour of some friends of mine who are are residents of Kharkiv and have stayed.

    I want to post pictures of the bread on my ig account and am wondering if you would like me to hash tag your or @mention? I am a fellow Canadian from the east coast, cheers!


    • Hi there Diane,
      Thank you 😊 yes, you may hashtag, mention,etc. I believe that we all need to promote and encourage others to share our traditions and cultural activities.


  10. Thanks so much Pat for your efforts to keep Ukrainian culture alive. A special thanks for the beautifully decorated bread!


  11. Where and who do I call to book a table for Ukrainian art, costumes etc….for Aug 4,5,6 Dauphin Ukrainian festival.
    Thank you, M Cooper


  12. I accidentally stumbled upon your blog when looking for a recipe for head cheese. My grandmother also called it hyshky. Your blog is the only other place I’ve seen it called by this name. She came from Bukovina, from Tysovets just south of Chernovtsi. It was nice to see your recipe. My family has grown yellow bush beans brought to Canada from Tysovets since 1910. On the off chance that you would like to grow some, let me know and I can post some to you. Thanks!


    • Hello Debbie
      Thank you for the kind offer. Yes, this is a recipe of my mother’s and of course, she learned to make it from her mother. Although I like to grow vegetables in my little garden, I have to say no thanks to the offer. Really, my “little garden” is very small!
      Thank you for stumbling onto my blog!
      Happy New Year!


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